
The Art Of Sleep Wellness

A quality night’s sleep is an essential part of every self-care routine. The average adult needs between 7 to 9 hours of quality shut eye a night, however busy schedules, disruptive surroundings, and other external factors can affect this. Read on to discover our top tips and recommendations to reset your schedule and banish bad bedtime habits, for your best ever night’s sleep.

1) Pre-bedtime detox

Practicing healthy habits before bed is essential – avoid heavy meals or alcoholic beverages and instead opt for non-caffeinated herbal teas, such as chamomile or lavender to calm the mind. Whilst it’s tempting to scroll on your phone until you doze off, excessive blue light exposure can impact the quality of your shut eye. Why not take a relaxing warm bath or try some gentle yoga to unwind and get in the zone for sleeping.

2) Consistent sleep schedule

A regular sleep routine can train your brain and your body to naturally feel tired in the evening and reduce fatigue in the morning. Create a bedtime and wake-up time that fits with your schedule and try your best to stick to it on the weekends, as well as weekdays. A reliable alarm clock can be great for helping you maintain good habits – just try not to hit snooze!

3) Set the scene for sleep

Create a dreamy bedroom ambiance, with mood lighting that will help you doze off with ease. When you’re winding down at night, opt for a dimmable, warm-toned bedside lamp, ideal if you’re reading a book, journaling or doing your bedtime routine. It’s best to sleep in as much darkness as possible, so blackout blinds or an eye mask are both great for blocking out intrusive light and encouraging you to get to sleep quicker.

4) Rest in comfort

Step into your comfort zone with cosy bedding, ensuring every night’s sleep is your best. If you’re searching for a good-value bedding basic, sprung mattresses offer medium-soft firmness for even support throughout the night. Alternatively, a mattress topper is perfect to help prolong the life of your existing mattress, by adding an extra layer of comfort for additional cushioning. Feather and down duvets and pillows offer excellent softness, and the mouldable texture fits to your body for optimal comfort. Give your bedding a luxe look and feel with a breathable microfibre or linen duvet cover set, providing perfect temperature regulation through the seasons.