Comodo have been providing high-quality socks for men and women since 1996. They sell a range of socks for hiking, cycling, hunting, skiing, and other outdoor events. For long trails, these trekking performance socks are a must have if you love the great outdoors. These socks are made from bamboo fibres to keep feet dry in warmer climates. These socks feature double welted tops to prevent the socks from riding down, so you don't have to worry about pulling your socks up. The socks feel lighweight no matter the type of shoes you're wearing. Your feet will feel comfortable and protected in these trekking performance socks. These socks are available in sizes 3-5.5, 6-8, 9-11 UK and suitable for both, men and women. They are made from 40% Bamboo Yarn, 30% Polycolon, 15% Polypropylene, 10% Polyamide, 5% Elastane. They are machine washable at 30.
40% Bamboo Yarn, 30% Polycolon, 15% Polypropylene, 10% Polyamide, 5% Elastane
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