Transport yourself to a magical world with this enchanting set of 7 Disney baubles. Featuring classic Alice in Wonderland characters, each ornament captures the whimsical spirit of the beloved story. Delicate glass baubles with the Cheshire Cat, White Rabbit, Mad Hatter, Alice and more in vivid detail. Their point of differentiation being the stunning decorative details inside. Encourage consumers to hang these keepsake decorations on a tree to fill their home full of wonder.
Dimensions: 17x8x8cm. Composition: Glass
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Transport yourself to a magical world with this enchanting set of 7 Disney baubles. Featuring classic Alice in Wonderland characters, each ornament captures the whimsical spirit of the beloved story. Delicate glass baubles with the Cheshire Cat, White Rabbit, Mad Hatter, Alice and more in vivid detail. Their point of differentiation being the stunning decorative details inside. Encourage consumers to hang these keepsake decorations on a tree to fill their home full of wonder.
Dimensions: 17x8x8cm. Composition: Glass
Free delivery on all order over £15 (exc. Bulky Item Delivery)
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Premium DPD Next Day Delivery
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Northern Ireland Super Saver Delivery
Northern Ireland Standard Delivery
Unlimited free delivery for a year with Unlimited Delivery for £14.99
Please note, some delivery methods are not available for products delivered by our brand partners & they may have longer delivery times
Something not quite right? You have 28 days from the day you receive it, to send something back.
Please note, we cannot offer refunds on fashion face masks, cosmetics, pierced jewellery, adult toys, and swimwear or lingerie if the hygiene seal is not in place or has been broken.
Items of footwear and/or clothing must be unworn and unwashed with the original labels attached. Also, footwear must be tried on indoors. Items of homeware including bedlinen, mattresses, and toppers, and pillows must be unused and in their original unopened packaging. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Click here to view our full Returns Policy.